Wednesday, May 9

Google Calendar

I just added a link to my calendar over there <---------<<<

I use Google Calendar. I can access it from anywhere and don't have to carry a book around. Seems every business has internet these days and I carry a teeny purse because of balance problems and using a cane. I've never had trouble getting a Doctor's office to let me access mine to make an appointment. In fact, most think it's pretty cool that I can do that. Anyway, Google lets you have several calendars in different colors. I have two, one for me and one that has my husband's schedule on it (he has access to it as well). When I found out I can now post a calendar to my blog I thought I'd change my knitting events to a new color and call it tinkknitz. I may add other local knitting events to it as a resource to others.

Today I'm off to knit with the Kiwanis ladies. Oh, and draft my dissertation on the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival!

1 comment:

Giantsknitter said...

Thanks for the nice comment on the bag! She's young and strong so I think she'll be able to manage!
