Monday, June 25

Slogging through

Now I need to find a word for "a project which has been almost done for a long time, and whose knitter is embarrassed by this and swears they won't start another until it's finished".

I won't be able to go to knitting on Wednesday morning if I don't get this blanket done. The ladies will call me names and point their fingers and snicker behind my back. The pressure is on. I am on my last ball at least. I tried last night and made some progress, but the the mind was strong and the body . . . uuugh. I will mush on with resolve and Tylenol today.

1 comment:

Nittany Knits said...

I'm on the last bit of my 'Clapotee' and am struggling to get it done as well. Finishitis perhaps?
I'll finish mine if you finish yours!