Tuesday, June 26


My friend Nittany Knits sent me a suggestion for projects I have sworn to finish. She wrote: I'm on the last bit of my 'Clapotee' and am struggling to get it done as well. Finishitis perhaps? I'll finish mine if you finish yours! I believe that is a perfect name for the disease, but perhaps I would call the project itself a "Swearter" as in:

I have Finishitis but swear to finish my Clapotee swearter before starting another project.

I finished my Monkey Socks swearter. Now I am free to start my Falling Leaves shawl.

I would love to cast on some socks with that Austermann yarn, but I have a lap blanket swearter to finish first.

So it's official.

Swearter (n) a project which has been almost done for a long time, and whose knitter is embarrassed by this and swears they won't start another until it's finished

Okay, Nittany Knits. The race is on!

1 comment:

Nittany Knits said...

I finished the darn thing yesterday and dropped it off to Glowing Kay to be be blocked.

Now I have to whip out the felted bags for my mother before my trip to Pittsburgh. Nothing like a knitting deadline!